The Agenda and Meeting Management Essential and Online Code Hosting Integration enables you to send ordinances from our Agenda and Meeting Management Essential solution (formerly Municode Meetings) directly to the Code Library available through our Online Code Hosting solution (formerly MunicodeNEXT).
The integration provides three (3) key benefits:
- It sends an ordinance and its associated attachments from a completed meeting directly to the corresponding online code. Users can upload a modified version of an attachment before sending it (for example, a signed ordinance). Recently adopted ordinances are immediately viewable and searchable from the online code's landing page.
- It links the adopted but uncodified ordinance back to the meeting during which it was considered.
- After codification, it links the history note of the amended section back to the meeting containing the ordinance that effected the change.
Important Notes
- Your organization must have an Agenda and Meeting Management Essential instance and our Online Code Hosting service to use this integration. Your online code must also have the OrdBank feature turned on so that ordinances are displayed before and after codification.
- To start using this integration, please contact our Support team.
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Send Legislation to Your Online Code
Sending ordinances to Online Code Hosting will typically occur after a meeting has been completed. You can use the steps below to send one or more items to the Code Library.
- Sign in to the system if you have not already
- Select Meeting List in the left menuNote: The options available in your left menu may differ from the ones shown here, depending on your user permissions.
Find and select the meeting that contains the ordinance(s) you wish to send to Municode
- Click the Send to Municode tab on the Meeting Detail screen
- Click the checkbox next to the item(s) you wish to send for codification and to add to your online codeNote: This feature should only be used to send ordinances at this point.
- Fill in/verify the information fields
Product Name: Select the desired publicationNote: If you only have one online code, this field will auto-populate and there is no need to change this value. If your municipality has two or more online codes (for example, Code + Zoning), make sure the correct publication is selected.
Legislation Code: Select a legislation prefixNote: If you only have one prefix used for legislation, this field will auto-populate and there is no need to change this value. If your municipality has different prefixes for different types of ordinances, make sure the correct prefix is selected.
- Ordinance Number: Fill in the Ordinance Number
Ordinance Document: Select the Ordinance Document from the drop-down listingNote: This field is used to indicate which of the attachments is the main ordinance. If there are exhibits or supporting documents you would like to include as additional attachments, you can perform this in the next step.
Attachments: Select any supporting documents you would like to include along with the main ordinance document (such as exhibits, figures, or budgetary impact) if desiredNote: This step is optional; if the ordinance only consists of one document (the Item selected in Step 4 above), you may skip this field.
Upload: Drag and drop or select a modified version of the ordinance (perhaps a signed version or one with minor corrections) from your computerNote: After uploading, the Attachments listing will refresh so you can select the modified document. This modified document is also stored as an attachment to the original item.
Description: Add or modify the description, if desiredNote: The modified description is only sent over to the online code and is not saved in Agenda and Meeting Management Essential.
- Adoption Date: Fill in the adoption date if it is known (optional)
Product Name: Select the desired publication
- Click the Submit button
- Click the Yes button on the Library Integration! popup that appears to confirm that you want to submit the selected informationNote: Click the OK button on the next popup that appears to acknowledge that the information was successfully sent to your online code.
- You will receive an email acknowledgment after the ordinance has been sent and is displayed on the online code landing page
View Legislation After It Is Sent to Your Online Code
Once an ordinance has been sent from Agenda and Meeting Management Essential to your online code, it will appear on your organization's Online Code Hosting online code landing page.
Navigate to your online codeNote: You do not need to sign in to Online Code Hosting to view legislation.
- In the Adopted Ordinances Not Yet Codified list, select the desired ordinanceNote: Click the View button on the Agenda and Meetings card to the right of the Adopted Ordinances list to access meeting agendas, minutes, and video recordings for your municipality, if applicable.
- View your ordinance content in the embedded PDF viewerNote: Click the Details tab above the document to see additional information about the meeting and a link back to the public meeting detail page.
Navigate Back to Meeting Information After Codification
Once an ordinance is codified, it is removed from the landing page of your online code and is merged into the appropriate code sections. Each section that has been updated by an ordinance sent from Agenda and Meeting Management Essential has a history note with two different links. You can use the Ordinance Title and Meetings Badge links under an ordinance that has been codified through Agenda and Meeting Management Essential to navigate back to information about the ordinance and its associated meeting.
- Ordinance Title: Click this link to view the PDF of the original ordinance
- Meetings Badge: Click this icon to view details about the meeting in which this ordinance was voted on
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